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BHV, Bazar de l'Hotel de Ville

Bhv_2 In this department store, there is a whole floor dedicated to an extensive collection of art supplies. The hardware section in the sous-sol also provides an unlimited stock of paraphernalia for the artist in search of specific surfaces hard to find here in Paris, such as fluorescent plexiglass.

Fashion designers and students alike can also find a variety of textiles, including tools for shoe making.

BHV Department Store
52 rue de Rivoli
75004, Paris

*lower level

Bonapart Paris apartments


Lynette ten Krooden

I am writing from South Africa.
When I am in Paris, I usually come and buy some natural coloured ( raw canvas , brown,green colour) from your art shop. Will you be able to ship a roll or some already stretched ones to me in Pretoria, South Africa? What are you sizes and the prices?

Kind regards
Lynette ten krooden


hi, you might want to drop a line to BHV or call. I have to say i doubt they will deliver....

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